Monday, July 19, 2010

Water Party

The sun is shining and the temperature is rising, which means...There's no better time for a water party! No pool necessary. Invite everyone your backyard or a park to join in on the fun.

Supplies could include:
- Water guns
- Water balloons
- Slip and slide (store bought or homemade)
- Sprinklers
- Kiddie pool
- Buckets
- Sponges

Activities could include:
- Water balloon volleyball: Put up a volleyball net and provide each team with a towel or sheet. Have them toss a water balloon back and forth from sheet to sheet until the balloon breaks, giving the other team a point.
- Water war: Split the group in two and provide each team with and ample supply of water guns and/or balloons and them them go at it
- Water capture the flag: Play normal capture the flag, but instead of tagging someone with your hand, tag them with a water balloon
- Fill the bottle: Split the group up into teams. Each team has a player lay on the ground on one end of the field and put a 20oz plastic pop bottle on their forehead. The other team players stand at the opposite end of the field with one 4oz cup and a bucket of water. When the whistle is blown, each team relays as one by one, the players fill up their 4oz cup, run down the field and try to pour it into the 20oz bottle on their teammate's forehead without bending down, and then run back to hand their cup off to the next teammate. The team that fills up the 20oz bottle first wins!
- Water balloon toss: Have every person choose a partner and give each pair one water balloon. Form two lines an arm's length apart, having each person standing opposite their partner. Instruct the participants to toss the water balloon to their partner. If the water balloon doesn't break, have them take one step back and toss the balloon again. The pair that throws and catches their water balloon over the farthest distance without breaking it wins.
- Sponge Relay: Split the group up into teams of 4-15 players. Have each team stand in a single file line with one bucket full of water and sponges in front of the first player and one empty bucket behind the last player. Instruct each team to fill the empty bucket of water behind them by taking sponges from the full bucket and passing them over the first person's head and under the second person's legs and so forth
- Slip and slide contest: Judge participants on speed, style, creativity and entertainment

Factory Tours

Looking for something different? Factory tours are a fun way to change up the pace and learn about something new. A lot of things are made right here in America, and many places will let you tour their facilities. Call up local corporate headquarters, factories, and farms to see what they have to offer. Some great resources on how to find tours in your area include:

The Book: Watch it Made in the USA

The Website:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

More than just a picnic

On a beautiful summer's day there is nothing better than a picnic. But why let the good times stop with the food? A little planning ahead can turn a picnic into a party when you host a few games with your friends. Some easy games include:

- long jump - simply draw a line on the ground and see who can jump the furthest from that point
- saltine eating contest - see who can eat six saltines and clear their month first
- softball throw - put a hula hoop in the middle of the field and have everyone throw a softball at it to see who can get the ball closest to the center of the hoop
- three-legged race - have your teammates pair up & tie a leg together to race down the field
- funny walk relay - choose four funny ways to move down the field (e.g. crab walk, roll, hop on one foot, run backward)
- strongman competition - see who can pull a heavy object down the field the fastest
- water balloon toss - have each pair toss a water balloon to each other and take a step back after each toss to see who can keep their balloon from breaking the longest
- egg race - have each player hold an egg on a spoon and race down the field
- kangaroo hop - place a ball between the legs of each player and have them hop down the field
- frisbee throw - place a hula hoop in the center of the field and see who can throw a frisbee closest to the center of it
- shoe kick - have each player kick off one of their shoes to see who can kick it the furthest

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fruity Fun!

Fresh fruit is always a crowd pleaser, but instead of just eating the fruit, why not have your guests join in on the fun? Look for a local u-pick farm and get out there for a summertime good time! is a great resource to find a farm near you with the type of fruit you are looking for.And why should the fun stop there? Invite your friends to come a make jam at your place! Freezer jam makes the process a breeze as it doesn't take long, and only requires a few ingredients and something to store the jam in.
So invite your friends to get involved! These activities are fun for children and adults alike. It's summer time--time to get out and make some fun! Because while feeding your friends something delicious is good, helping them make something delicious is epic!

Newlywed Style Date Night

Whether you have been married for just a few weeks for a few decades, the questions behind the newlywed game are sure to bring some fun to any date night

The newlywed game is a cheap & easy way to have some fun, show some love toward your mate, and find out new things about your friends.

Simply print out a list of questions (one list for guys & one list for gals), and hand one to each player. Have everyone write their answers and then have their spouse guess what answer they wrote down for each question.

It's best to do it in rounds of five questions and have both guys and gals report their answers before moving on to the next round.

Here are a few questions to get you started:


Questions for Husbands

1. What is your wife’s favorite comfort food?

2. How old was your wife when she got her first kiss?

3. What is the best vacation you have ever taken with your wife?

4. What is your wife’s favorite thing to drink other than water?

5. When your wife says, “Honey – they’re playing our song,” what song are they playing?


Questions for Wives

1. If your husband could change jobs, what would his dream job be?

2. What is the name and breed of your husband’s childhood pet?

3. What is the strangest gift your husband has ever bought you?

4. When you first met your husband, what will he say was the one thing about you which first caught his attention?

5. Who was interested in marriage first, you or your husband?


Questions for Husbands

1. What living celebrity woman will your wife say she most admires?

2. You’ve gone to the 7-11 to pick up milk. On a whim, you decide to get a little treat. What do you get?

3. What is your wife’s best “stupid human trick”?

4. Complete this sentence: Not many people know it, but my wife is really good at: ____________.

5. What did your wife wear on your first date?


Questions for Wives

1. If you had to change jobs with one of your friends who would you choose?

2. What celebrity does your husband most resemble?

3. When your husband was in high school what did he want to be when he grew up?

4. Complete this sentence: It must be true that opposites attract because my husband and I are total opposites when it comes to: _________________.

5. What did your husband give you for your most recent anniversary?


Questions for Husbands

1. What was your wife’s childhood nickname?

2. Your wife is waiting at the doctor’s office. Which magazine will she read? (a)Scientific American (b) Forbes (c) Good Housekeeping (d) People (e) Glamour?

3. What is one thing that your wife does that is just like her mother?

4. What size shoe does your wife wear?

5. Your wife gives you the most points for: (a) looking handsome (b)smelling good (c) planning ahead (d) doing chores around the house


Questions for Wives

1. What color is the front door of the first home you shared with your husband?

2. If your husband won the lottery, what would be the first thing he spent money on: (a) pay off debts (b) buy a new car (c) buy a new house (d) take you on a trip

3. What is one thing that your husband does that is just like his father?

4. You are out of town all day on a Saturday, what will your husband do with his day?

5. Your husband gives you the most points for (a) looking cute (b) cooking something delicious (c) thinking ahead (d) doing the laundry


Questions for Husbands

1. What would your wife’s ideal date be: (a) pizza & a movie (b) hot dog & a ball game (c) picnic & a bike ride (d) candlelight dinner?

2. What would your wife say is her favorite physical feature of yours?

3. When does your wife like to go to bed?

4. Name four of your wife’s best friends, not including siblings. (Must get three correct)

5. What is your wife’s most repeated sentence or phrase? (Other than “I love you”)


Questions for Wives

1. If you were to make your husband a romantic dinner what would he most like on the menu: (a) steak & potatoes (b) shrimp & pasta (c) chicken & salad (d) spaghetti & meatballs

2. What percentage of housework would your husband say he does?

3. What was the last book your husband read?

4. Who would your husband say is most frugal out of the two of you?

5. What toppings does your husband like on his Subway sandwich?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's Show Time

While watching the big game or a season finale isn't always a major social event--who's to say you can't do more than just watch the show? Actually watching a show or ball game together can be a great casual event that you can invite a large number of people to depending on the size of your place. But the number one rule when it comes to a show time to your audience! If they are a "shh...get out of the way, the game is on" kind of crowd, don't try to make them do anything other than enjoy their game.

Any type of invite or even word-of-mouth would work for this event

Some type of snack or appetizer and drinks is recommended. Look to the game/show you will be watching for inspiration. Is the show associated with some type of food, color or shape? Try to utilize those in your food set-up.

Additional activities are not necessary considering the main event of the evening is watching the show. But if you want to do a little game or mixer it would be appropriate. Here are a few ideas:
- Take a poll as to what everyone will think the outcome of the show will be. If it is for a ballgame, have everyone guess what the final score will be. If it for a season finale have everyone guess how the episode will end. Provide a little prize at the end of the show for the person with the closest prediction.
- Put together a few trivia questions regarding what you are watching to quiz the audience during commercial breaks. The questions can be about what has happened in previous games or episodes or about individual players or characters.
- Create a little challenge for your audience to compete in that has to do with the show. Whether it is a paper football tournament for the Superbowl or a round of Operation for a medical drama season finale, it's always fun to get up & have a little challenge.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Interactive Treats

When inviting friends over for a game night or casual get-together you may find yourself wanting to provide a little treat. Why not turn the treat-making into part of the evening? Often making food together is a great conversational activity. Working side-by-side creates natural conversation and makes for a unique event.

Some easy ideas for interactive treats include:

Berry Cobbler

Cobbler is especially fun on a cool evening or when you have an excess of any type of fresh berries. All you need are a few simple ingredients and some large ramekins or individual sized dishes that are oven-safe. Pre-make the cobbler and pre-wash the berries before you guests arrive and make sure you have a dish for each individual. When cobbler making time arrives, bring out the dry cobbler mix and the berries and invite your guests to create their own dessert. When baked in such small dishes, cobbler doesn't take long to cook. When ready, top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and all of your guests will be proud to dive into their tailor-made slice of heaven!

Mall Pretzels
Who can resist walking by a pretzel stand in the mall without taking a whiff of that delicious aroma! You'll find that homemade pretzels have more to offer than just a good smell. Creativity ensues with you provide each of your guests with a prepared ball of pretzel dough. Like cobbler, pretzels don't take long to bake so just as soon as your guests can't handle that wonderful smell any'll be handing them their homemade pretzel.